ICSAI: AI-Driven Technological Growth.

Fostering AI Excellence in Industry and Connected Healthcare.

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About us

ICSAI: Forging New Paths in AI for Industrial and Healthcare Advances

The Institute of Computing Systems and Artificial Intelligence (ICSAI) is framed within Medisys Group (www.medisys.com.gr), and aims at advancing research and development and promoting new knowledge in areas related to intelligent computing systems and Artificial Intelligence, so as to contribute to the realization of Society5.0.

The Institute’s members have been participating in versatile research and development efforts at a worldwide level. As such, the institute is specialized in designing, developing and validating services and applications based on AI-enabled tools and methods in the following domains:

Industrial AI Solutions

Offering AI-driven design, management, and optimization for diverse industrial applications.

AI in Healthcare

Developing connected AI healthcare systems and applications for modern medical needs.

AI is pivotal in designing, managing, and optimizing services across industries, crucial for realizing the next digital evolution, Society5.0.

Advanced AI Technologies

Explore the frontier of AI with technologies like non-causal reasoning, behavior-based approaches, cognitive modeling, semantic tech, and neuromorphic computing. Our solutions adapt swiftly to unforeseen challenges, enabling pre-emptive system reconfiguration. Benefit from higher quality, increased yields, fewer defects, and reduced complexity and failure rates. Experience AI that not only responds but anticipates, setting new standards in efficiency and reliability.

Semantic Modelling & Data Integration

Unleash the power of semantic modeling and data integration to streamline your operations. Our service transforms disparate data into cohesive, actionable intelligence. By harnessing advanced data integration techniques, we ensure seamless flow and interpretation of information. Optimize decision-making and operational efficiency with our tailored semantic solutions, designed to turn complex data landscapes into clear, comprehensible insights.

AI Trust & Security

Building trust in AI with technology acceptance, explainable AI, and secure AI. Our focus is on creating AI systems that are not only powerful but also transparent and trustworthy. We address the critical need for security in AI, ensuring your data is protected and your AI solutions are reliable. With our expertise, navigate the complexities of AI with confidence, knowing your AI is secure and its actions understandable.

Connected healthcare systems and applications

The design and development of complex distributed systems for medical purposes presents significant challenges, and ICSAI’s specialized team aims to be at the core of relevant international developments.

The ICSAI scientific team focuses on the design and development of: 

Advanced applications of electronic medical care based on real data and their efficient processing
Autonomous management systems to provide personalized services to patients
Integrated platforms for access to electronic health services and applications
Advanced patient monitoring through medical and non-medical sensors (e.g. in smart home environments)

Connected healthcare systems and applications

The design and development of complex distributed systems for medical purposes presents significant challenges, and ICSAI’s specialized team aims to be at the core of relevant international developments.

The ICSAI scientific team focuses on the design and development of: 

Advanced applications of electronic medical care based on real data and their efficient processing
Autonomous management systems to provide personalized services to patients
Integrated platforms for access to electronic health services and applications
Advanced patient monitoring through medical and non-medical sensors (e.g. in smart home environments)

Contact us

Office address:

43, G. Papandreou str., 14452, Metamorfosi, Athens, GR

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